have designed these floggers for sensuality. "Heavy" refers
to their poundage, not their severity. A flogger
with an ultra-thick bundle of soft tresses, such as deerskin or
moosehide will give plenty of thump, hardly any sting and will not
irritate even the most sensitive skin. Denser leathers and suedes
will add a measure of "bite" and increase skin sensation,
without the "sharpness," and marking, associated with
cats and narrow floggers.
best way to order a custom flogger is to discuss the design with
us on the phone. But, if you prefer to order by email you will
need to specify the the handle style and colors, the
color you want for the Turk's Head knots, the tress
material you want along with length overall and number
of tresses ... and any special features such as handle weighting
or tress width. We will reply with a price quote.
Click to see Design Details
range from $200. to as much as $395. depending on
handle design and type and amount of leather chosen. Increasing
the thickness of the tress bundle decreases sting, while increasing
the length of the handle, the tress bundle or both increases the
total impact force. Also see the Leather
Lord, Black Beauty and
our new Thudbeast as ready-made
think of an "average" or "standard" flogger
as being 27" long overall, with a 9" Signature
handle and 1" diameter tress bundle (approx 36 "tails"
in deerskin or 20 tails in bullhide,) costing $250.
Adam at: 631 842-1711, M-F after 10 am ET