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Sade’s Sweeper & The Bottom Brush
   But it’s just a primitive broom!                   M050

    Yes, but history tells us that this was one of the Marquis de Sade’s favorite things to be hit with, on the frequent occasions when he himself was the one being hit. It is also the only object absolutely known to have been used by him on others. If this is true, the infamous Marquis was something of a wuss because this brush is astonishingly pleasant. The natural fiber tips are stiff and springy with just a touch of sting and scratch.     

   (This is what de Sade probably sent the girl out to buy when he wanted his own bottom warmed. The Marquis was sort of a selfish softy who really "topped from the bottom,"and vice versa. These are pretty much like what she would have come back with, if she hadn’t come back with the police -- but that’s another story!)

   Handcrafted in our own workshop using traditional broom straw, if used as intended, Sade's Sweeper will give years of pleasure, but it is not quite as indestructible as our other products and does not carry the same one-year warranty. 

  Sade now has an imported companion item, which we have dubbed:

The Bottom Brush     M051

   Originally sold as a "Hearth Broom" it is constructed from a different "breed" of rattan than we are used to (kooboo or dragon) and is processed into "polished reed" which removes the outer skin.

   The reeds are hard in texture and the large bundle makes this a serious implement. However, the same "Destructability warning" of the Sweeper applies here as well.

    We offer it with our Nylon wrapped handle In Copper-Brown, as shown.

28" overall
24" overall